“Feeling tired, end up staring at the ceiling most nights and wake up exhausted? We hear you and have the perfect packaged tea solution for you. Loose leaf teas and tea bags.
We’ve created a collection of herbal teas that are designed to ease you into a blissful nights’ sleep, stay asleep, leaving you feeling well rested and refreshed in the morning!
We've been sipping a cup of tea to help treat sleep issues and other conditions, and the benefits of herbal organic teas are more extensive than ever before. From cranky, brain fog, just plain buggered all the time, these all-natural herbs and spices can help with all kinds of sleep issues.
Two top herbs and spices are chamomile (known to lull you to sleep, and you’re your entire nervous system) and lavender flowers (known for its ability to ease insomnia and mood difficulties).
If you’re looking for an effective way to fall asleep and get a better night’s sleep without any nasty chemicals, preservatives, or caffeine (and yucky after effects 😬), this collection is brewed especially for you!"
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